The EXERLEAN Transformation Trilogy

What is it?

A non-fiction, self-help book trilogy, written to help cure the worldwide obesity epidemic. A fully explained, detailed, empowering, mindset altering, and illustrated guidebook to help you rid your body of unhealthy bodyfat.

Created by: John Blade, OTRL, CFT, CAPS, ACLS/BLS, bodybuilder, powerlifter, and author.

The beginning of the first book, “EXERLEAN” begins with this…


   Are you sick and tired of living unhealthy, feeling like a low energy pile of crap, and at that, possibly swimming around in a human fat sack? Well look no further because this book, right here in your hands, has everything necessary to help you put an end to excess body fat and the negative consequences that come with it!

Before you read any further, I want to forewarn you that this book is a slap in the face, no holds barred, possibly some bad words,



…To the reality of the world around you and why the majority of people are overweight, sedentary, and in some cases, dying earlier then they should. You may currently be one of them!

   Okay now…if your complaining…then pull up your big boy or big girl pants and except the possibility that you may be part of the worldwide obesity epidemic.

Hold on to your saddle bags!

We are about to take a ride down reality lane.


“Let’s Do This!”


   Behold the dawn of a new age. The age of a new and better you destined for a life of maximal health and wellness. An age where you take control of your actions, your body, behavior and habits. Let this book be your source of motivation. Your stun gun and trigger point to propel you towards improved self-care, self-help, and maximal quality of life.

Herein lies the answers, resources, and a plan to achieve your best you. To learn and earn ultimate success in annihilating your mortal enemies, body fat and sedentary death.

EXERLEAN gives you the keys to the car and puts you in the cockpit. The material within will help you steer through life in the right direction. To help you achieve your vision and goals for body composition, improved quality of life, and maximal health and wellness. Minus the wasted time and angst a person goes through with fake diets, fad diets, celebrity diets, bug diets, juice diets, yo-yo diets, no diets, food confusion, and the never-ending body weight fluctuations.

The truth is hard sometimes, but the truth is exactly what is necessary in order to devise a plan that will achieve REAL results. The truth, the RAW truth, and that’s exactly what will be delivered to you in this book, straight up! Hold the bullshit.

Grab on, hold on tight, and DON’T LET GO!

Let’s begin the journey.

If you desire change. Change in your physique, health status, and overall wellness, then look no further. The EXERLEAN Transformation Trilogy delivers the goods.


The first book, “EXERLEAN,” the makeover of the FATBOD mindset to be released in the Fall of 2021.

…just in time for your New Year’s Resolution!


To the victor goes the spoils.


John Blade


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